You can access the full course here: Create a Spanish-Teaching Quiz
Hey, guys, my name is Austin Gregory, and in this course, I’m gonna teach you how to build a neat little language quiz based on our Super Quiz game. This quiz is gonna take the things that we built there, and expand on a few of the features, add some new features, and just make an all-around better quiz experience while focusing on teaching a language, or just a simple idea for a different type of quiz game.
So we check this out. I go to New Game, and I have a button that says Listen, and there’s the question, What’s this word? So we’re gonna listen to this. I can hear him say, Car. Listen for this, what’s this word? Heard him say, house, so I just select the correct answer. Now this works the same way as the last quiz game that we did, and these are just buttons that you click on, and it compares to see if you got it right or not, but notice, there’s now a sound effect, these can be images, they’re, it’s laid out entirely different, it’s just an entirely different game on the front end, but the back end is pretty much the same.
And we get a nice little score screen here, we continue on to the next and Select an odd number, now this shows me that there are multiple options for the correct answer. So if I were to pick, I’d be correct, and if I were to pick , I’d be correct. If I were to pick , I would be incorrect, so I can do that for testing. It tells me I am incorrect, and another word for me, and that means building. Now there’s also an image template just like there was in the previous one, but I don’t have any that’s using that at the moment. So that’s what we’re gonna cover throughout this course, guys.
My name is Austin Gregory, and I will see you in the first lesson.
Interested in continuing? Check out the full Create a Spanish-Teaching Quiz course, which is part of our EdTech Mini-Degree.