Item Hunter by MichaelD

This time is MichaelD’s turn to share with the #GameDev Academy his experience as a game developer. He created “Item Hunter” a Javascript & HTML game template for gathering games.

Keep reading to know more about Michael’s game!

What is the game about?

Gathering games are games that the player is required to gather all of the falling objects before they hit the “ground”, this is done by dragging an item horizontally that virtually collects them . “Item Hunter” offers the functionality to create an almost infinite number of variations by altering essentially every aspect of the game

This is as much a complete game as a template that can be used to create others, these files offer the ability to either alter some functionality with the default customization options or use the existing code as bits and parts to create a whole different experience.

Game Template offers mechanics like:

– Collision Detection
– Animation engine and timers
– Simple but descriptive GUI elements
– Customization of main aspects of the game
– Supports mobile and handheld devices touch events
– Media Queries and javascript smart-resize for responsive gameplay – Auto-pause functionality on browser loss of focus
– Custom social media message


Where did the game idea come from?

I always liked playing games where I was requested to gather stuff that fall, its a relaxed kind of games, but requires good hand-eye coordination.


What can you tell us about the development of the game?

I developed the game on my own, it took me approximately 1 week but was working on my spare time on it. The game offers a good level of customization and exposing these customization’s took a good amount of planing and extra code, but I think it was worth it.


What advice would you tell people who are beginning with game development?

The most difficult thing I have to face with game development is the flow of ideas (of other games that I want to make…) one must force himself to complete the game at hand or else you can end up with more unfinished games that finished.
Commitment, commitment, commitment.

Apart from commitment the other very important aspect of game development is fantasy (you really allow your self to dream, of lands unknown and heroes ascending), and maths (yeah sorry for the down to earth truth) but games use a good amount of maths even when physics is not involved…


If you want to know more about MichaelD, visit his website: