Creating an Arcade-Style Game in the Unreal Engine


Complex games can be a lot of fun, but sometimes all players want to do is sit back and relive the retro days where simple mechanics and goals were the reigning champs.  As a developer, not only might you want to create your own retro, arcade-style types of games (with some modern flair), but it can also be a great beginner’s project to start your game development skills!

As such, in this tutorial, we’ll be creating a road-crossing arcade game in the Unreal Engine. The game will feature a player controller, coins, cars, and an end goal – capturing the sorts of straight-forward mechanics you’d expect.  Additionally, we’ll be working heavily with Unreal Engine’s unique Blueprinting system, so no coding from scratch is necessary!

If this is your first time using the Unreal Engine, we recommend you follow our intro to Unreal Engine tutorial first, as this one won’t be going over the basics of the engine itself.

GIF of road-crossing style game in Unreal Engine


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Project Files

For this project, we’ll be needing some 3D models made in MagicaVoxel.

You can also download the compete project with all the blueprints, levels, settings and models.

Creating the Project

To begin, create a new project (no starter content needed). Then we’re going to create three new folders in the Content Browser.

  • Blueprints
  • Levels
  • Models

Unreal Engine Content Browser

Next, save the open level to the Levels folder as MainLevel.

We’ll be using some pre-made 3D models from MagicaVoxel, so download the included assets (top of the tutorial) and drag the contents inside of the Models folder, into the Content Browser in our Models folder. Like so:

Unreal Engine Content Browser with game project assets added

Creating the Player

Now we can create our player. This player will be able to move forwards, left and right. To begin, we need to setup our key bindings. Go to the Project Settings window (Edit > Project Settings…) and navigate to the Input tab. We want to create three new action mappings.

  • Move_Forward = W
  • Move_Left = A
  • Move_Right = D

Unreal Engine Project Settings window

Back in the level editor, we can navigate to our Blueprints folder and create a new blueprint for our player. Make it’s parent class a Pawn and call it Player.

Player blueprint created in Unreal Engine

Open it up and we can begin.

First, create a new Static Mesh component.

  • Set the Static Mesh to Player
  • Set the Location to 50, 50, -50
  • Set the Rotation to 90, 0, -90
  • Set the Scale to 50, 50, 50
  • (not pictured) Disable Generate Overlap Events

Player overview in Unreal Engine

Next, create a Capsule Collider component as a child of the static mesh.

  • Set the Location to 0.96, -1.58, -1.0
  • Set the Rotation to 90, 0, 0
  • Set the Capsule Half Height to 0.5
  • Set the Capsule Radius to 0.2
  • Enable Simulation Generates Hit Events
  • Set the Collision Presets to Trigger

Player in Unreal Engine with Details window open

Finally, we have the camera setup. Create a new Spring Arm component as the child of static mesh. This component will hold our camera in place, even if we’re rotating.

  • Set the Socket Offset to 100, 0, 0
  • Set the Target Offset to 0, 227, 820

Then, create a Camera component as a child.

  • Set the Rotation to 0, -65, -40
  • Set the Field Of View to 50

Unreal Engine camera added to project

Let’s now go back to the level editor and in order to play as the player, we need to create a game mode blueprint.

Unreal Engine MyGameMode blueprint added to Content Browser

Open it up and all we need to do, is set the Default Pawn Class to our Player blueprint.

Unreal Engine with Default Pawn Class set to Player

Save and compile it. Back in the level editor, go to the World Settings panel and set the GameMode Override to our new game mode.

Unreal Engine World Settings window

Now if you press play, you’ll see the player appearing with the camera above them.

Moving the Player

Back in the Player blueprint, we can begin to implement the movement. First, we’ll need to create the variables.

  • TargetPos (Vector)
  • CanMove (Boolean)
  • Score (Integer)

Click Compile and set some default values.

  • CanMove = true

Unreal Engine with various Components added to blueprint

In the Event Graph, we can begin by resetting the player position. The Target Pos variable is where the player is moving to, so we’ll set it to our position first.

Unreal Engine Event Graph for player

Next, we’ll need to do pretty much the same thing for moving forward, left and right. To bypass just having three copies of the same code, we’re going to create a new function called TryMove. Create a new input for the function called Direction and make that of type Vector.

What we’re doing here, is checking if we can move. If so, add the direction to our TargetPos and then disable can move. But we want to be able to move eventually, so we’re going to call a function with a delay. The EnableCanMove function is what we’ll call after 0.3 seconds.

Unreal Engine Blueprinting logic for a Timer and movement

Let’s now create that EnableCanMove function. All we’re doing here is enabling the can move function.

Unreal Engine Enable Can Move node

Back in the main event graph, let’s now setup our movement input to call the TryMove function. Make sure to fill in the respective Direction inputs.

Unreal Engine logic for player trying to move

Next, we need to actually move the player. So every frame (event tick node), we’re going to trigger the Move Component To node which moves a component to the requested position.

Unreal Engine Event Graph that moves player to position

You can now press play and test it out!

Level Layout

Before we continue with the rest of the game’s systems, let’s create our level. So in the level editor begin by deleting the floor object.

Then, in the Models/Ground folder, drag in the Tile_Ground model.

  • Set the Location to -50, 50, -110
  • Set the Rotation to 90, 0, 0
  • Set the Scale to 50, 50, 50

Unreal Engine with tile mesh added for level

Combining the ground and road tiles, create a layout like the one below.

Tile combination in Unreal Engine to create road layout

Collectable Coins

When playing the game, players can collect coins to increase their score. Create a new blueprint (parent class of Actor) and call it Coin.

Coin blueprint added in Unreal Engine Content Browser

All we’re going to do component wise, is create a new Static Mesh component.

  • Set the Static Mesh to Coin
  • Set the Location to 2.6, -18.0, -97.0
  • Set the Rotation to 90, 0, 0
  • Set the Scale to 50, 50, 50
  • Enable Simulation Generates Hit Events
  • Set the Collision Presets to Trigger

Overview of coin object in Unreal Engine

Create a new variable of type Float and call it RotateSpeed. Compile and set the default value to 90.

Unreal Engine with RotateSpeed added to Components for coin

In the event graph, we’re first going to set it up so the coin rotates over time. We’re multiplying by the delta seconds so that the coin rotates in terms of degrees per second and not degrees per frame. This will make it the same across any frame rate.

Logic for Coin spin in Unreal Event Graph

Next, we need to add the score to the player when they collect the coin. First, go to the Player blueprint and create a new function called AddScore.

  • Create an input for the function called ScoreToAdd of type Integer

This function will just add to the existing score.

Unreal Engine with AddScore script added to Blueprint

Back in the Coin blueprint, let’s create the logic so that when the player collides with the coin, we add to their score and get destroyed.

Collision logic for player and coin in Unreal Engine project

In the level editor now, we can drag in the coin blueprint and position it where we want. If you press play and collect the coin, you should see that it gets destroyed.

Coin blueprint added to Unreal Engine arcade game

We can also then add in the rest of the coins.

Unreal Engine project with several coins added

Creating the Cars

The cars are going to be the player’s main obstacle. Hitting them will cause the game to restart.

Create a new blueprint (parent class of Actor) and call it Car. Open it up and we’ll start by creating a static mesh component.

  • Set the Static Mesh to Car
  • Set the Location to 75, -37, -100
  • Set the Rotation to 90, 0, 180
  • Set the Scale to 50, 50, 50
  • Disable Generate Overlap Events
  • Set the Collision Presets to Trigger

Unreal Engine with car object model for new blueprint

Next, create a Box Collider component.

  • Set the Location to 1.5, -2.5, -0.75
  • Set the Box Extents to 1.3, 0.45, 0.6
  • Enable Simulation Generates Hit Events
  • Set the Collision Presets to Trigger

Unreal Engine with Details window open for car blueprint

Let’s now head over to the Event Graph where we’ll begin by creating some variables.

  • StartPosition (Vector)
  • Speed (Float)
  • Distance (Float)

Compile, then for each variable, enable Instance Editable so we can change the values in the level editor. But for the speed, let’s set that to a default value of 400.

Car blueprint components added in Event Graph

Now for the nodes. Each frame, we’re going to be moving in our forward direction.

Logic for forward car movement in Unreal Engine

We’re also wanting to check each frame if we’ve driven as far as the distance variable. If so, then reset our position to the start position.

Logic to reset car based on distance traveled

Finally, we’re going to check for an overlap of the player collider. If so, we’ll restart the scene.

Logic to check for car player collision

Back in the level editor, let’s place down our first car.

  • Set the Location to 400, -550, 0
  • Set the Rotation to 0, 0, 90
  • Set the Start Position to 400, -550, 0
  • Set the Distance to 1100

Now if you press play, you should see the car move down the road, then reset its position once it reaches the end.

Car blueprint added to Unreal Engine project

Go ahead and create many more cars to fill in the roads.

Various cars added to Unreal Engine arcade game

Game UI

Now we’re going to create some UI for the game. We’re going to have two elements. A win screen and a score text so the player can see their current score. In the Blueprints folder, right click and select User Interface > Widget Blueprint. Call it GameUI. Double-click to open the UI editor window.

First, drag in a new Text component.

  • Set the Name to ScoreText
  • Enable Is Variable
  • Set the Anchors to Top-Center
  • Set the Position X to -250
  • Set the Position Y to 60
  • Set the Size X to 500
  • Set the Size Y to 80
  • Set the Text to Score: 0
  • Set the Size to 50
  • Set the Justification to Center

Unreal Engine text UI for score

Next, we want to create the win screen. Drag in a canvas panel component. This will be the contents of the win screen. Populate it with a header text and button to restart the game. Make sure that the canvas panel has Is Variable enabled.

Win popup for Unreal Engine arcade project

We then want to select our restart button, and in the Details panel create an On Clicked event.

Unreal Engine Details panel with focus on Events

This will create an OnClicked node in the graph. All we want to do with this, is when triggered – restart the current level. Also, we’ll add the EventConstruct node which gets called when the UI is created. All we’re doing here, is disabling the win screen panel.

Event Graph logic to restart the game

Next, we’ll create the UpdateScoreText function. This gets called when we collect a coin. Add an input of type Integer and call it NewScore.

Event Graph logic to update score UI text

Then we have the SetWinScreen function which just sets the win screen panel to be visible.

Logic to notify player of winning in Unreal Engine

Back in the Player blueprint, we can initialize the UI. First, create a new variable of type GameUI called GameUI.

Then continuing on the EventBeginPlay flow, create and initialize the UI widget.

Unreal Engine Event Graph with event to initialize the UI

So inside of the AddScore function, we can update the UI.

AddScore logic with UI logic added

If you press play, you’ll see it in action!

End Goal

To finish the project off, we’re going to create a flag at the end of the level that the player needs to reach. This will enable the win screen, prompting them to restart the game. So in the Blueprints folder, create a new blueprint of type Actor called EndFlag.

All we’re going to do component wise is add in a static mesh.

  • Set the Static Mesh to Flag
  • Set the Location to -37.0, 7.8, -100.0
  • Set the Rotation to 90, 0, 0
  • Set the Scale to 50, 50, 50
  • Enable Simulation Generates Hit Events
  • Set the Collision Presets to Trigger

EndGoal blueprint created with flag model

Over in the Event Graph, we just want to check when the flag has collided with something. If it’s the player, enable the win screen. Also enable the cursor.

Logic to trigger game win pop up in Unreal Engine project

Back in the level editor, let’s drag in the flag and position it at the end of the level.

  • Set the Location to 1800, 0, 0
  • Set the Rotation to 0, 0, 90

EndGoal blueprint added to Unreal Engine level


There you have it!  You now have a complete road-crossing, arcade game made with Unreal Engine!  Over the course of this tutorial, we’ve learned to set up everything from coin collection to the constant flow of forward-moving cars to create obstacles for the player.  All of this was accomplished with Unreal Engine’s Blueprinting system, which handles all our game logic – including win conditions!

From here, you could expand the game by adding in more obstacles, collectibles, or even more unique levels.  You can also use these fundamentals to create an entirely new game with your new-found knowledge. Whatever you decide, good luck, and we hope you’ve learned a lot about building games with Unreal Engine!

Unreal Engine road-crossing arcade game